An important theme in relation to clients and people who aim at losing fat, but experience poor energy balance through inadequate daily macronutrient splits.
The idea of starving yourself to extreme levels through unmanaged calorie restriction has many floors and inevitably cannot be sustained for healthy, consistent weight management. Also, adherence to exercise for performance benefits and the emotional impacts on social and mental health.
It’s the overall manipulation of variables such as daily movement, exercise and macronutrient control that once adjusted will result in more energy being burn’t than consumed whilst feeling like you’re eating more and feeling satisfied for longer.
This is achieved through eating healthy, nutrient dense foods in their most natural forms, including an abundance of lean protein, vegetables, fruit, and whole-grains plus healthy fats.
Naturally this can help to eliminate processed goods, by eating highly nutrient dense food for bodily and brain function, fibre for gut health, satiety and energy for exercise cognitive enhancement.
Yes, intermittent Fasting protocols can still be a tool applied for those who wish to do so, granted that a consistent and controlled kcal window is established to prevent binging and poor decisions when out of the house, unprepared and when will power / mental energy diminishes later in the day.
Here are some impacts that a low energy balance can have when sustained overtime…
Reduced metabolic activity
Increase in hormone activity responsible for fat accumulation (cortisol)
Muscle atrophy (wastage) for energy
Reduced BMR (Basal metabolic rate) - less calories burn’t each day by the body
Less physical activity and energy for movement
Lower cognitive energy levels
Thyroid levels reduce involved in metabolism regulation
Appetite increases so binge eating and unhealthy, fatty, sweet and salty food cravings will occur
Poor sleep resulting in an imbalance in hunger controlling hormones (leptin and grelin)
Unsatisfied with eating habits, poor mood and a likelihood of uncontrolled occasional bursts of emotional eating (often the poor choices and too much)
Reduced bone mineral density increasing risk of bone related injury or illness
Steps for calculating nutrition!
BMR = The amount of energy you need to survive and operate as a human each day… Can be calculated like this, BMR = 66.5 + (13.75 x Weight kg) + (5.003 x Height cm) - 6.755 x Age
Times this by activity level (1.2-1.3 low, 1.35-1.5 moderate to high, 1.5-1.8+ High to extreme)
Re-quoting the international journal of obesity, regardless of assigned diet, "12 month weight change is greater on the most adherent" - therefore how you split you macro ratio isn’t entirely definitive. As long as you can stick to it.
Define your energy deficit target (10-20%)
Calculate a sustainable macro split - E.g - 30/50/20 PROTEIN/CARBS/FATS
E.g. 2000kcal x 0.3 (protein) / 4 = 150g
So, that being understood here are 3 initial simple ways to manage a deficit for fat loss…
Keep it at 10% initially and gradually lower the percentage as the adjustment has been made
Keep a higher carb low fat split initially to allow you to eat more volume of food for the same amount of calories
Keep protein HIGH and fruit vegetables HIGH with every meal for micronutrient and satiety, whilst reducing calories from energy dense foods such as fats and carbohydrates
Track your progress using an app
Ensure that hydration is a priority (WATER)
Move more and eat more rather than moving less and eating less
Every 2 weeks, these targets need to be adjusted based upon changing weight!
Revise the right targets with your coach so that you have the plan to put into action!
Get in touch for any nutritional help today!
Coach KD.